

Executive SummaryWireless Mobile IP Networking

Wireless Mobile IP Networking

With the rapid growth and availability of wireless data networks, wireless communications tools and Internet standards, mobile workers are finding new ways to do business in today’s competitive environment. The need for the mobile worker to access mission critical information requires access to corporate databases and Internet/Intranet applications. In addition, convenient and reliable file transfer, integrated messaging, and personalized information delivery allow the mobile employee to work at peak productivity levels.

Successful communications between mobile workers and their corporate environment requires the right combination of technologies. From a business standpoint, these technologies must be cost-effective and easy to use. For long-term viability, they should be based on open system architectures and industry standard interfaces.

Virtual Private Networks have emerged to provide networking solutions to a growing mobile workforce. A Virtual Private Network allows businesses to provide their mobile employees with access to corporate information and applications by connecting them to the enterprise using public networks, such as the Internet. By using public networks as the communications backbone, a Virtual Private Network provides a low cost extension to the enterprise, while offering secure access to an open networking environment.

Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore)
AirBossÔ Wireless Solutions’ portfolio of wireless data and messaging products offers a Mobile IP solution which provides the foundation to create Virtual Private Networks.

What is a Virtual Private Network?

A Virtual Private Network is created when a mobile user connects a data terminal to a foreign network, either via dial-in or public networks, and establishes a presence equivalent to a direct connection to the home network.

The AirBoss Mobile IP solution is intended to enable the creation of Virtual Private Networks by using the Internet as the communications backbone to connect mobile users. The following features characterize Virtual Private Networks:

· Remote presence - the ability to establish remote network connections and still appear to be connected to the home network.
· Network independence - the ability to roam among networks (e.g., BellSouth Wireless Data Network - CDPD - Wireless LAN – Ethernet). Traditionally, IP network independence (roaming) is done over the same media access (e.g., SLIP, PPP, Ethernet). Telcordia Technologies Virtual Private Network implementation offers the ability to roam across not only single media IP networks, but across multiple wireless and wireline media without user intervention.
· Security - the ability to help create secure channels for authentication, data integrity, and data privacy.

The AirBoss Mobile IP solution is unique in that it provides wireless and wireline IP network and media roaming/communications to both Intranet and Internet services. The ability for mobile users to roam seamlessly and without intervention among radio frequency (RF) networks and wireline networks allows the system to operate at maximum system efficiency.

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